Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Abazović meets with Cattler: We continue security sector reforms, Montenegro is a reliable partner

Published on: Oct 29, 2021 5:15 PM Author: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazović met today with NATO Assistant Secretary General David Cattler.

Abazović and Cattler exchanged views on the situation in the security sector, numerous current topics, while special attention was paid to increasing challenges in the form of cybercrime and hybrid threats.

The Deputy Prime Minister expressed satisfaction with the visit, emphasising that the cooperation between Montenegro and NATO reaches an enviable level, as evidenced by the numerous visits of high-ranking officials.

We are pleased with the frequent communication and partnership with our NATO allies. We had a pleasant and open conversation in which I briefed Mr. Cattler on the situation in the security sector, as well as on the results we had achieved in the previous period. Of course, there is always room for further progress, but in general Montenegro is unequivocally a stable and reliable NATO member. We stay on the path of reform. The National Security Agency, as well as other security sector institutions, demonstrate such practice on a daily basis. We believe that the Prosecutor's Office and the judicial system will soon start to provide the same support, which would completely protect the interests of the citizens, said Abazović.

The meeting concluded that Montenegro can count on any kind of support, as well as that all allies are at the disposal of state bodies in order to eliminate modern threats.

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