Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Abazović speaks at the Cambridge Union

Published on: Apr 27, 2023 7:30 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Montenegro is a land of sun, smiles, and natural resources that everyone needs to visit. The Government's ambition is to create it as a "green destination", Prime Minister Dritan Abazović‎‎ said during his speech at the Cambridge Union Society.‎ The Cambridge Union is the oldest debating society in the world, founded in 1815.

‎Prime Minister Abazović, in conversation with ‎‎Professor of the History of International Relations at the University of Cambridge Brendan Simms, spoke about green policies, sustainable development and models of combating nationalism through the fight against corruption.‎

‎We are creating a system in which everyone is important - without understanding democratic values, we cannot even achieve environmental victories. Every government in the world should have an environmental component in its top priorities, the Prime Minister stressed.

Furthermore, he spoke about the importance of European integration for the Western Balkans, but also the importance of the enlargement process for the EU.‎

‎Abazović is the first Prime Minister from the Western Balkans hosted by the Cambridge Union. Throughout the history, speakers hosted by the Union have included: Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, The Dalai Lama, Bill Gates, Stephen Hawking, Robert De Niro, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Bernie Sanders and many others.‎

‎Speaking about the position of young people in the Balkans, Prime Minister Abazović stated that young people, in addition to economic reasons, are also leaving mostly because of the injustice that demotivates them to stay, adding that the fight against organised crime and the fight for the rule of law will create better conditions for young people in Montenegro.‎

‎Montenegro is a unique destination and I want people to come, work and stay, he said, concluding that Montenegro has simple principles based on friendship and fostering Western values.‎

‎Together with the hosts, the Prime Minister of Montenegro visited the prestigious Trinity College and the Wren Library.‎

Dritan Abazović - promocija knjige
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