Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Abazović visits Institute Dr. Simo Milošević

Published on: Apr 3, 2021 12:30 PM Author: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister

During his official visit to the Municipality of Herceg Novi, Deputy Prime Minister Dritan Abazović visited the Institute Dr. Simo Milošević in Igalo.

In a conversation with Acting Executive Director of the Institute Dr. Marina Delić and her associates, DPM Abazović got acquainted with the history of the Institute, stages of development, ownership and employee structure, vision of development, but also the problems that the Institute has been facing for years.

Dr. Marina Delić said that the Institute has been an internationally recognised destination for health and spa tourism for decades, but that at this moment it needs the help of the state to overcome the crisis.

Deputy Prime Minister Abazović stated that the Institute, along with Sveti Stefan, was the most recognisable place in the former Yugoslavia, and that despite all the problems, it still has a chance to change Herceg Novi and Montenegro. The Deputy Prime Minister emphasised that it is almost certain that, after the stabilisation of the COVID-19 situation, there will be an expansion of health tourism and that there is a great chance for the Institute. Abazović pointed out that the Institute and the Municipality of Herceg Novi will have a friend and a reliable partner in the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, whose door is always open.

Furthermore, the meeting discussed the possibilities of finding help for the Institute to overcome the current crisis.

President of the Municipality of Herceg Novi Stevan Katić and Vice President of the Municipality Miloš Konjević also attended the meeting.

Dritan Abazović - Herceg Novi (02.04.2021.)
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