Deputy Prime Minister Bečić's Statehood Day congratulations

I extend my heartfelt congratulations on 13 July, one of the most significant and beautiful dates in our Montenegrin history, symbolizing the eternal ideals of freedom, honor, and bravery of our people.

This date marks the recognition of our independence 146 years ago at the Berlin Congress and the courage of our small country, which 83 years ago, through an uprising against fascism, demonstrated its greatness. The perseverance and unbreakable will of our ancestors, their readiness to sacrifice their lives for a higher cause—love for their homeland—have left us a great legacy and a sacred trust.

Montenegro is inscribed in golden letters in the book of Europe's antifascism. In the struggle against fascism, one of the brightest examples of our history, we showed that the strength of a country is not measured by the number of its inhabitants, but by its unity and unwavering spirit. Our courage, determination, and unyielding will impressed even the rulers of much larger countries.

Therefore, we must cherish, preserve, and pass on the legacy entrusted to us to future generations. Let unity, harmony, courage, wisdom, desire, and determination be the values by which we will be remembered.

Since Montenegro became an internationally recognised state, we have come a long way.

Now we face a significant task. We are working tirelessly to open the doors to the European Union and become its next full-fledged member.

Our ancestors left us freedom as the highest ideal, and therefore our citizens, united in their diversity which is our wealth, aspire for a proud, strong, civic, European Montenegro that will achieve the great strategic goal of becoming the 28th EU member by 2028.

Strong institutions, the eradication of crime and corruption, further economic and social empowerment of citizens, and a robust civic society are guarantees of the European dream, as well as our duty to our ancestors and our obligation to future generations.

Let the 13 July Uprising always remind us to cherish, respect, and admire the beauty of our Montenegro.

With the wish that our mountains, seas, hills, lakes, and rivers always echo with a European voice, making our ancestors proud and our children worthy, I once again congratulate all the citizens of Montenegro on 13 July, one of the most significant and beautiful dates in our history, with a deep sense of pride.

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