DPM Ivanović meets with newly appointed UNICEF Representative Michele Servadei

On Friday, 13 September, Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Filip Ivanović met with the newly appointed head of the UNICEF office in Montenegro, Michele Servadei. During the meeting, it was emphasised that one of the key priorities of the 44th Government of Montenegro is improving the living standards of citizens and accelerating the country's path towards EU membership.

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović expressed satisfaction with the existing cooperation with UNICEF, highlighting significant reforms in the area of child rights protection that were made possible through this partnership. He also emphasised the importance of continuing and intensifying cooperation in areas such as fighting poverty, protecting children's rights, social inclusion, and healthcare.

Montenegro has always had a good relationship with UNICEF, and I believe that during your mandate we will achieve our goal of becoming part of the European community. We hope we can count on your support as we work together towards progress, said Ivanović.

UNICEF Representative Michele Servadei stated that UNICEF will support the Government in intensifying reforms in key sectors to reduce child poverty, eradicate violence against children, and improve the inclusivity and quality of education, healthcare, and social and child protection for all children and families.

Child-focused reforms will undoubtedly accelerate Montenegro’s progress towards EU membership and the achievement of the 2030 Agenda goals. In addition to state budget resources, the Government can utilize the Growth Plan and the EU Youth Guarantee to accelerate reforms and become the first EU candidate country to support the inclusion of the most vulnerable children and families in this way. UNICEF is ready to be Montenegro's key ally in this endeavor, Servadei added.

He emphasised that it is crucial for the Government to prioritize children when making budgetary investment decisions to ensure quality services for them and their families. UNICEF is prepared to offer expert support in public finance for children, ensuring that Montenegro’s budget for next year takes into account the needs of the most vulnerable children, youth, and families.

Ivanović thanked Servadei for his willingness to collaborate, noting that UNICEF's assistance will be invaluable, and expressed confidence that their joint efforts will yield significant results.

In conclusion, Servadei highlighted the importance of the upcoming UN Summit of the Future and confirmed that UNICEF is ready to assist the Montenegrin delegation in showcasing the progress made in the area of children's and youth rights, as well as the ongoing reforms.

Filip Ivanović - Mikele Servadei, šef predstavništva UNICEF-a u Crnoj Gori
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