DPM Ivanović meets with US Senator Christopher Murphy and Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan at UN General Assembly

On 23 September 2024, Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Filip Ivanović met with US Senator Christopher Murphy of Connecticut and member of the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

During the meeting, DPM Ivanović emphasised Montenegro’s commitment to strengthening its ties with the United States, expressing the country's readiness to enhance the longstanding friendship and alliance.

Senator Murphy affirmed strong US interest in deepening relations, particularly in political dialogue and cooperation, while congratulating Montenegro on its progress in European integration. He further stressed US support for EU enlargement, stating that Montenegro should be the first to join the EU.

Filip Ivanović - senator Kristofer Marfi

On the sidelines of the General Debate, DPM Ivanović also met with Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan.

Both officials praised the good relations between Montenegro and Armenia, noting the significant potential for expanding cooperation, particularly in areas like economy, culture, and air traffic. They emphasised the importance of sharing experiences in European integration processes.

Ivanović briefed Minister Mirzoyan on Montenegro's progress in EU accession negotiations and introduced Montenegro’s candidacy for a non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council for 2026-2027.

Filip Ivanović - Ararat Mirzojan, ministar vanjskih poslova Jermenije
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