DPM Koprivica meets with the management of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption

Deputy Prime Minister for Political System, Judiciary, and Anti-Corruption Momo Koprivica met with the acting Director of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption, Dušan Drakić, as well as the President and Vice President of the Agency Council, Pavle Ćupić and Mladen Tomović. Deputy Prime Minister Koprivica congratulated them on their appointment, expressing confidence that a period of reform, recovery, and strengthening the independence of this institution lies ahead. The agency plays a crucial role in preventing corruption.

During a productive and constructive discussion, numerous topics related to improving the overall anti-corruption framework were addressed. The focus was on the need to define legislative solutions aimed at strengthening the operational and financial independence of the Agency, creating conditions for linking databases and data exchange with the Special State Prosecutor’s Office and other state institutions, further reforming the Law on the Prevention of Corruption and the Law on Financing Political Entities and Election Campaigns, as well as fully implementing GRECO's recommendations.

The meeting participants agreed that mechanisms for concrete cooperation between the Agency and the National Council for the Fight Against Corruption need to be strengthened, especially in the implementation of the comprehensive Anti-Corruption Strategy. This is both a formal requirement for a positive IBAR and a critical need for the state to combat all forms of corruption effectively. Agency representatives agreed with the proposal to join the National Council and contribute to its efficient functioning.

It was deemed necessary to conduct an analysis of the need for changes and improvements to the criminal law framework to fight corruption more effectively and prosecute unlawful enrichment, which would be a significant step forward for the country.

Additionally, directions for establishing a methodology to assess corruption risks in regulations were discussed. Deputy Prime Minister Koprivica emphasized that the Government is determined to implement effective regulatory controls regarding corruption risks to establish a fair legal system and equal opportunities for all to work and live in an environment free from corruption. He also noted that the Government would take all necessary steps to initiate data exchange between anti-corruption agencies across the Western Balkans to uncover corrupt patterns and hidden assets.

The Government of Montenegro respects the independence of the Agency and will, through the legislative process, contribute to strengthening the agency's operational and financial independence so that, following its reform, it becomes a robust pillar of corruption prevention, providing a strong incentive for all public officials to adhere strictly to the law.

Momo Koprivica - Dušan Drakić, v.d. direktora Agencije za sprečavanje korupcije (ASK)
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