DPM Milun Zogović meets with EBRD Head of Montenegro Remon Zakaria

Deputy Prime Minister for Regional Development and Infrastructure Milun Zogović met today with a delegation from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), including EBRD Head of Montenegro Remon Zakaria and Principal Banker Radoslav Ralević.

During the meeting, the participants exchanged views and opinions on the possibilities of further expanding the already successful and intensive cooperation in the field of infrastructure between this international financial institution and the Government of Montenegro.

Both sides emphasised the importance of continuing the fruitful collaboration that has resulted in the realization of key infrastructure projects in Montenegro, with a particular focus on the second section of the Bar-Boljare highway, from Mateševo to Andrijevica. They agreed that special attention must be given to the environment and the protection of community interests during the execution of infrastructure projects. The Government, EBRD, and Monteput are working together on a detailed assessment of the environmental and social impacts to minimize the effects of highway construction on local communities. The project prioritizes preserving and enhancing the quality of life, especially for those living in the northern region. In this context, efforts are being made to assure residents of villages along the highway route that all measures are being taken to protect their quality of life and the environment.

The meeting also discussed the implementation of existing joint projects and the preparation of new ones, such as the reconstruction of the Golubovci-Bar railway and improvements to Montenegro's airports.

These joint projects, aimed at enhancing connectivity and regional integration through the expansion of cross-border transport links, are expected to significantly boost the competitiveness of Montenegro's economy.

Milun Zogović - Remon Zakaria, šef kancelarije Evropske banke za obnovu i razvoj
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