Martinović, Živković: UNDP unequivocal partner on Montenegro's European path

Published on: Feb 1, 2024 11:00 AM Author: Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro

Minister of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development, and Northern Region Development Vladimir Martinović met with UNDP Assistant Administrator Ivana Živković in New York. The meeting emphasised UNDP's unequivocal partnership in implementing Agenda 2030 and Montenegro's European integration. They particularly focused on UNDP's support in closing Chapter 27, contributing to sustainable development and institutional strengthening.

The meeting highlighted the successful collaboration between UNDP and the Ministry on environmental preservation, climate change impact prevention, and shared visions for Montenegro's sustainable development.

Minister Martinović expressed gratitude for UNDP's constructive collaboration and emphasised their support in capacity-building. He underlined the ongoing preparation of the Low Carbon Development Strategy and National Climate Change Adaptation Plan, seeking potential partnership with UNDP in implementing specific measures.

Moreover, Martinović stressed the need for further environmental sector digitalization and expressed hope for UNDP's support in efficient monitoring and citizen and private sector engagement.

The Minister commended the Ministry's collaboration with UNDP's Podgorica office and praised the dedication of Resident Representative Ekatarina Paniklova.

He also reminded that, with the support of UNDP, the Green Climate Fund, and the Ministry, Montenegro successfully implements the process of preparing the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan. This has resulted in an improved understanding of the country's vulnerability to climate change, strengthened capacities, and an efficient system of coordination and decision-making.

However, he noted that the transformation challenge persists, emphasising the vital importance of continuing and intensifying successful collaboration, urging further and sustained funding for climate change adaptation and resilience-building projects.

UNDP Assistant Administrator Ivana Živković expressed strong support for the partnership and collaboration with Montenegro in addressing global challenges. She highlighted UNDP's role as an unequivocal partner in Montenegro's European integration and the closing of Chapter 27, contributing to sustainable development and institutional strengthening.

Živković mentioned UNDP's anticipation for additional funds through the announced Growth Plan, focusing on climate change mitigation and digitization. The discussion also covered enhancing tourism in the north and potential projects in that sector.

Both parties committed to working together to realize Montenegro's vision for a sustainable future, setting an example and inspiring other countries in the region and beyond.

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