Montenegro and the Western Balkans will make the EU stronger

Published on: Jun 5, 2024 9:45 AM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

During a meeting between Prime Minister Milojko Spajić and Hungary's Minister for European Union Affairs János Bóka, it was emphasised that Montenegro is committed to closing as many negotiation chapters as possible during Hungary's presidency, with Hungary offering its full support.

The meeting highlighted that the enlargement process will remain a key focus in the second half of the year, as Hungary's goal is the stability in the Western Balkans region, with integration playing a pivotal role in this endeavor.

We aim to prioritize Europe's economic competitiveness during our presidency, and we believe that engaging with the region is integral to enhancing the European economy's potential. Therefore, we think that you will make the European Union stronger, so the enlargement process is a mutual interest,  Minister Bóka emphasised.

Discussions during the meeting also addressed the Government's efforts to meet the requirements for receiving the Interim Benchmark Assessment Report (IBAR), with the Hungarian Minister expressing optimism about Montenegro's prospects of meeting the interim benchmarks by the end of June.

Joining the European single market is extremely important for Montenegro's economic development, emphasised Prime Minister Spajić, thus strengthening economic relations with EU countries, including Hungary, is significant.

All the reforms we are implementing in the rule of law domain are essential for increasing investments. Credible companies seek security, and by receiving IBAR and closing chapters, we will receive confirmation that they can be secure in Montenegro. Therefore, the European path is crucial to create conditions for economic growth, Prime Minister Spajić stated.

The meeting discussed various areas that could contribute to strengthening economic cooperation, along with specific projects in which Hungary could support Montenegro.

There was also discussion about the necessity of stronger funding for the innovation sector, so that good ideas can contribute more rapidly to the overall progress of the continent.

Milojko Spajić - Janoš Boka, ministar evropskih poslova Mađarske (31.05.2024.)

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