Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Montenegro enhances UNESCO partnership for heritage preservation

Published on: Oct 20, 2023 8:00 AM Author: Ministry of Culture and Media

The partnership between Montenegro and UNESCO remains robust, with Montenegrin institutions committing extra attention to safeguard and enhance protected areas and implement numerous development projects in compliance with UNESCO standards.  This commitment was at the forefront of discussions during a meeting held in Paris between the Minister of Culture and Media, Maša Vlaović, and Ernesto Ottone Ramirez, Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO.

The meeting was convened following the recent UNESCO World Heritage Committee session in Riyadh, where significant decisions were adopted, particularly concerning Montenegro's protected areas. Both parties acknowledged the positive history of cooperation between Montenegro and UNESCO, emphasizing the need for more proactive measures to protect sites listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

It was mutually agreed that there are no immediate concerns regarding the status of Montenegro's protected areas, but there is a pressing need for increased attention and dedication to ensure that numerous development projects align with UNESCO standards.

Minister Vlaović informed Assistant Director-General Ernesto Ottone Ramirez that, immediately following the adoption of these decisions, a session of the National Commission for UNESCO took place.

The Ministry of Culture and Media will soon present a report to the Government of Montenegro, tasking all relevant entities involved to fulfill their obligations within their respective domains. This timely reporting will ensure that the submissions to the World Heritage Committee are submitted on schedule, as stated by Minister Vlaović.

Assistant Director-General Ernesto Ottone Ramirez expressed his belief that Montenegro would meet the set deadlines for the requested reports and reiterated UNESCO's readiness to provide any necessary support and assistance.

Both parties expressed their satisfaction with the upcoming regional workshop focused on enhancing the capacities of national contact points, scheduled for 24 and 25 October in Kotor. This workshop underscores the robust collaboration between Montenegrin institutions and UNESCO.

During the meeting, it was recognized that Montenegro's rich cultural and natural heritage provides an opportunity to inscribe new assets on the World Heritage List, especially in the realm of intangible cultural heritage. In this regard, Ernesto Ottone Ramirez encouraged Montenegrin institutions to prepare new applications and submit them to UNESCO for consideration.

Furthermore, the value of communication with countries sharing similar legacies and traditions was acknowledged. Montenegro was offered assistance and support in establishing contacts with these nations in this context, said Ernesto Ottone Ramirez.

The meeting was attended by Milena Durutović, Director-General of the Directorate for Cultural and Artistic Creativity, Ambassador Ivan Ivanišević, the Permanent Delegate to UNESCO, and Berta de Sancristóbal, Head of Europe and North America Unit at UNESCO.

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