Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Vlaović: Collaborative efforts to preserve protected areas

Published on: Oct 12, 2023 7:30 AM Author: Ministry of Culture and Media

In a meeting of the National Commission for UNESCO, Minister of Culture and Media Maša Vlaović emphasized the importance of preserving Montenegro's unique and globally valuable heritage for future generations. She chaired the session, which plays a vital role in coordinating and advancing cooperation among Montenegrin ministries, government bodies, and UNESCO.

Vlaović stressed that Montenegro offers something authentic and globally significant, necessitating the preservation of this heritage. While the recent 45th session of the UNESCO World Heritage Committee in Riyadh did not consider the areas of Kotor and Durmitor endangered, she underscored the need for further actions in line with the UNESCO Convention to continue conserving these regions.

Today's meeting highlighted the significance of teamwork and collaboration across various fields under UNESCO's purview, and she called on all stakeholders to contribute to enriching the World Heritage List with new Montenegrin entries.

Ivan Ivanišević, Montenegro's Ambassador to France and its permanent delegate to UNESCO, presented a comprehensive report on the World Heritage Committee's work, with a particular focus on decisions related to Montenegrin protected areas. He emphasized the need for increased collaboration and communication to build mutual trust between Montenegro and UNESCO and ensure the long-term protection of Montenegrin entries on the World Heritage List.

The National Commission for UNESCO is committed to organizing thematic sessions in the future to address issues of significance for Montenegro's protected locations. During the meeting, discussions covered topics related to the commission's dynamics, specific issues addressed by UNESCO experts, and guidelines for adhering to deadlines for reporting on the status of Kotor and Durmitor.

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