PM Spajić meets with court experts to discuss judicial reforms

Published on: Jun 4, 2024 3:45 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Effective judicial system is crucial for the final phase of negotiations with the European Union, which Montenegro will enter upon receiving the Interim Benchmark Assessment Report (IBAR). In this context, court experts play a significant role. Prime Minister Milojko Spajić met with a delegation from the Association of Court Experts of Montenegro, led by its president Marko Lakić.

During the discussion, it was emphasised that the findings of court experts are extremely important in the decision-making process of the judiciary. Therefore, it is necessary to work on improving the quality of work and the status of this professional association.

To make the right decisions in all spheres of society, we must know the truth and have accurate information. In this sense, court experts are very important for the functioning of the judiciary and the delivery of high-quality judgments, said Prime Minister Spajić.

The meeting also addressed the status of court experts and the challenges they face in their work. The importance of addressing their status during the creation of a strategy for comprehensive judicial reform was highlighted.

It was noted that it is essential to continue working on improving the system of accountability and quality control of court experts' work, as well as to conduct active and continuous education.

There is room for improving the status of court experts, it was emphasised.

It was concluded that for Montenegro to successfully close negotiation chapters 23 and 24, the quality and professionalism of court experts will play an important role. Therefore, it is important for the Association of Court Experts to actively participate in the work on amendments to the Law on Court Experts, which will enable the strengthening of the independence and impartiality of court experts and the alignment of all aspects of their work with European standards.

Milojko Spajić - predstavnici Udruženja sudskih vještaka

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