Port of Budva returned to citizens

Published on: May 21, 2024 11:00 AM Author: Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro

The Montenegrin Cabinet, in a teleconference session held on 20 May, adopted the Information by which the management of the Port of Budva is assigned to the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management (Morsko dobro).

In accordance with the Decision, an Agreement on the Transfer of Possession of the Port of Budva will be signed between Dukley Marina d.o.o Budva and the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro.

Previously, the Government tasked the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Urbanism, and State Property with forming a commission to inventory temporary structures in the Port of Budva, as well as specialized machinery and equipment within the Port of Budva used for nautical tourism activities.

The commission commenced the inventory on 17 May 2024 and determined that the total market value of the inventoried assets amounts to 663,462.44 euros.

The amount of 663,462.44 euros will be paid from the current budget reserve, with the same amount to be refunded by the Public Enterprise for Coastal Zone Management of Montenegro after the conclusion of the summer tourist season of 2024, and no later than 1 October 2025.

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