Prime Minister Spajić's message on resolutions

Published on: Jul 3, 2024 3:00 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Prime Minister Milojko Spajić responded on the social network “X” to the statement of the President of the Republic of Serbia, which was reported by some media outlets, regarding the adoption of the Resolution on Genocide in the Jasenovac, Dachau, and Mauthausen camps.

"All decisions, including those on Srebrenica, Jasenovac, Mauthausen, and Dachau, are made as an independent country that has consistently made principled decisions and will continue to do so on such historical issues," stated the Prime Minister. He mentioned that at the Western Balkans Leaders Summit in Kotor, he conveyed to the President of Serbia that Montenegro will remain principled in condemning all crimes and that all resolutions focusing on honoring the victims, rather than on condemnation, historical circumstances, geopolitics, etc., will be supported. He emphasised that other issues should be left to historians to objectively investigate the circumstances.

The Prime Minister highlighted that bilateral relations with all neighbours are very important to Montenegro and that it is crucial to resolve any potentially open issues thoroughly. "Partners will respect you more in the long run if you are predictable and if they know you will consistently apply the same standards to everything. Montenegro is one of the few countries with a principled stance and will not compromise on it," the statement emphasised.

He also stated that "resolutions and the past are not our focus" and that they should be overshadowed by the progress of our country in terms of the economy, the rule of law, and European integration.

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