Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Reacting to the Campaign "Montenegro without divisions

Published on: Jul 21, 2022 12:50 PM Author: Ministry of Human and Minority Rights

On the occasion of the launching of the Campaign "Montenegro without divisions" which openly discriminates the Roma national minority community the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights responds with the following press release:

Montenegro is a country of all its nations and nationalities, recognized and praised for its multi-ethnic, multinational and multicultural character, where special emphasis is placed on improving the position of members of the Roma minority national community. Such campaigns send wrong messages and affect the overall social environment of equal chances and opportunities for all citizens of Montenegro.

Roma community has its own tradition, culture all the elements that should have been represented in the photos that illustrate the project "Montenegro without divisions", together with the traditional costumes of other nations. The way they are presented here is directly in conflict with many interests, especially theirs.

Through its policies and in cooperation with domestic and international partners, the Government of Montenegro undertakes all necessary measures for greater inclusion in society of members of the Roma national community in order to reduce the already existing ethnic distance and discrimination. All the efforts that have been made to contribute the fact that Roma people in Montenegro are on the right  way to successfully integrate into society and improve the quality of their lives. Since they are still the most discriminated population everywhere in the world, it takes time, a systemic approach, but the sensibility of all of us is necessary for their inclusion in society to be successfully completed.

The Ministry of Human and Minority Rights invites the NGO Montenegrin Cultural Network, as the bearer of this project, to correct the omission and present the Roma community in Montenegro the way they deserve.

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