Support for Pupils, Students and Teachers

The state provides various types of support to pupils and students, in the form of scholarships and loans. Talented pupils, the best students, pupils studying for a deficient qualification, as well as pupils and students of the Roma and Egyptian populations are awarded scholarships. Additional support is provided by international partners , through cooperation and mobility programs.

In addition to granting loans and scholarships, the state provides support to pupils and students who are users of student dormitories in Montenegro by providing them with accommodation and food, as well as by participating in transportation costs in urban and interurban traffic, covering the area of pupil and student standard.

Moreover, the State has established a Reward Fund, through which awards are given at the end of the year, for the results achieved in the previous school year.

Each year, the Ministry announces a competition for the State Award "Oktoih", which is granted to a citizen of Montenegro or a legal entity based in Montenegro, for outstanding results accomplished in the field of education, as well as in the field of pupil and student standard. A total of three prizes per year can be awarded.

It has been planned to provide free textbooks for all primary school pupils, starting from the school year 2021/2022.


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