Address by Prime Minister Milojko Spajić at the press conference on the 100-day milestone of the Government

Published on: Feb 10, 2024 7:51 PM Author: Office of the Prime Minister

Dear citizens,

Esteemed representatives of the media,

Colleagues - members of the Government,

The first hundred days of the 44th Government have officially passed, in which we sought, every one of us in our own domain, to contribute to the fulfillment of the common goal - a European and developed Montenegro. Therefore, at the very beginning, I would like to thank all the members of the Government for their contribution so far, but also those who are not in positions in the Government, but who contributed with their work to some of the capital results in the first hundred days of the mandate.

At the very beginning, I need to remind you that many questioned the certainty of the formation of the 44th Government.  Some (they know who they are) did all things possible and impossible so that it would not happen.  But still, on 31 October 2023, we managed to form a Government that has one of the largest, if not the largest, support in the Parliament ever.  As paradoxical as it sounds, we formed a Government that was not given a chance - and which in turn gave a chance to everyone.

And it is not a success in itself, but rather the fact that our coalition capacities were confirmed and exceeded several times during the voting in the Parliament. From the election of the missing members of the Judicial Council, the seventh judge of the Constitutional Court and the election of the Supreme Public Prosecutor as the main preconditions for the unblocking of Chapters 23 and 24. But also in numerous other situations in which it has been shown that a new political consciousness is being born in Montenegro that has the potential to rise above divisions and contribute to what are undeniably our common goals – goals of all our citizens.

Just as our European partners recognized it - the 44th Government brought stability and institutional functionality to Montenegro, which is the only safe path to membership in the European Union.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In the first days of the mandate, we were faced with a challenge called the Census of Population, Households and Dwellings.

The statistical process, subordinated to daily political interests, has been stuck in place for years and threatened to incur new expenses for the state.  It was just another inappropriate politicization of social processes to the detriment of the state and its interests.  We managed, for the first time in the broadest social consensus, to find a common measure of compromise with parliamentary parties, representatives of councils of less numerous national communities and municipalities, and reach an agreement on holding the Census. On 28 December, when the Census was finished, everyone celebrated the New Year, Christmas and other holidays, no one was thinking about the Census.

This inclusive way of making decisions is an example of how, in the spirit of democracy and mutual respect, decisions can be made that will be in the best interest of Montenegro.

One of such issues, to which we are bound by the almost absolute support of our citizens, is the membership in the European Union.

Therefore, in the previous one-hundred-day period, the Government started strengthening the negotiation structure by appointing the Chief Negotiator and forming 25 working groups for accession negotiations.

As a result of our efforts, after a two-year break, the Intergovernmental Conference of Montenegro and the European Union was held on 29 January in Brussels, in addition to a strong incentive for our country in the form of the Growth Plan, which will make available around EUR 412 million to Montenegro.  Owing to the efforts of the administration, Reform measures were already prepared in December, with which we will apply for funds within this important instrument.

Advances have also been made in terms of our membership in NATO.  By allocating 2.01% of GDP for defense, we meet the standards of the Alliance, and by continuing to participate in missions as a responsible member, we contribute to the goals of the Alliance.

Together with the EU and NATO, by preserving good neighborly relations, which are very important to us, and given that we are the only country of the region with zero problems with its neighbors, and by strengthening the role in multilateral organizations, we are increasingly positioning Montenegro at the international level.

Dear citizens,

As I have said many times - our goals are set very high, ambitious, but I believe achievable.  We are here to raise a number of issues that have burdened the economic substance of Montenegro for years.

Let me remind you that in a very short period of time, the 44th Government prepared the budget rebalance for 2023 and the fiscally responsible Budget for 2024.  In this way, we not only ensured the regularity of all payments by the state, but also ensured the sustainability of our public finances as a measure of discipline and responsibility.  With the planned surplus of current consumption, all current obligations of the state are financed from current revenues, while all new liabilities will be exclusively focused on development, that is, on the implementation of capital projects and repayment of old debts. We had one such instance in December, when our credit spread was four times lesser than  just eight months before that.

In parallel with this, and with the exceptional involvement of the Ministry of Finance, a hedging arrangement was concluded that protected the debt of Montenegro from currency risks based on loans for the construction of the highway, and savings of EUR 4 million were achieved in January alone.

In addition to all these circumstances, the Government was also faced with the potential inclusion of Montenegro on the Gray List of Moneyval.

Through diplomatic activities, timely legislative actions (with regard to the adoption of amendments to the Criminal Code and the adoption of the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism) with credible planning, as well as other joint efforts - we managed to avoid this scenario.  In this way, we preserved the reputation, financial system and economy of Montenegro. Not only did Montenegro not end up on the Moneyval Grey List, it is not even in the pool for the Grey List. Today, it is like an average EU member state when it comes to risk in relation to Moneyval.

All of this was important in order to finally make things fall into right place and, after the first major increase in salaries and pensions in Montenegro in 2021, create the conditions to continue working on improving the standard of our citizens on a stable basis.

 As you are aware, this resulted in the decision to increase the minimum pension to EUR 450, which improved the standard for 74 thousand of our citizens.  And I repeat, it is only the first in a series of steps in the implementation of our plan.

Within the foreseen deadlines, the minimum salary will be increased in Montenegro and numerous reforms will be implemented that will give impetus to the economy and open perspectives for further development.

 And there is no development without infrastructure.

Therefore, for the year 2024, EUR 240 million are planned for the state Budget, which, among other things, ensures the continuation of the construction of the second section of the highway Andrijevica - Berane - Boljare, from the funds of the State of Montenegro.

In less than a hundred days, the tender for the conceptual design was announced, and I expect that, with all procedures being respected, we will start work on the field by the end of the year.

In addition to this tender, a public call was recently announced for the development many  conceptual designs – nine of them - including the section of the high-speed road from Herceg Novi to Budva (crossing the Bay of Kotor), which creates conditions for the construction of a better traffic network and a more adequate connection with the region and Europe.

For a country whose economy relies heavily on tourism, the development of transport infrastructure is the basis for dynamic economic development and valorization of economic potential.

Therefore, with the provided grant support of the European Union in the amount of EUR 112 million, we will proceed with the reconstruction of the Bar - Golubovci railway.

It should be noted that at the end of December last year, an Agreement was signed with the Government of Brazil on the payment of the debt for the aircraft codenamed "Charlie", owing to which the aircraft was transferred to the ownership of the state of Montenegro, saving significant funds invested in the previous period.

Aware that future development must rely more strongly on energy potential, owing to the efforts of the Ministry of Energy and Mining, activities are underway to solve numerous issues that burden this sector, such as: the Brskovo mine, the future of the Nikšić Steelworks and the Berane Coal Mine.

Certainly, making this overview, I am confident that the Spatial Plan of Montenegro until 2040, the draft of which is undergoing a public debate, will give a clearer picture of further development.  I use this opportunity to once again invite the interested public to contribute with their suggestions to the preparation of this important document.

However, esteemed citizens, no less important aspect is the quality of public services.

Therefore, during the first hundred days of the Government, special efforts were made to digitalize numerous services that fall under the competence of the Ministries of Public Administration, Justice and Economic Development.

While significant funds were allocated for the purchase of new equipment and vehicles in schools (around EUR 7 million), adaptation and procurement of equipment in healthcare institutions (around EUR 5 million), improvement of the energy efficiency of buildings where public activities are performed (around EUR 2 million)  etc.

For culture and media, the Budget for 2024 allocated record funds, i.e. EUR 3.6 million more than in 2023, and last December around one million euros were allocated for various projects in these areas.

Let me remind you that the Law on the National Public Broadcaster was adopted, which guarantees the independence of the Public Broadcaster, and which was recognized and welcomed by the European Union as such.

Speaking of records, the Government, through the Ministry of Sports and Youth, recently allocated EUR 6.5 million to 44 sports associations, which is the largest amount of support ever allocated for these purposes.  Also, in December last year, the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights supported 110 projects of non-governmental organizations with EUR 1.7 million; while the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management supported the implementation of projects worth more than EUR 10 million through IPARD and MIDAS.

And finally, although in a way, I started my presentation today with this topic - I especially want to make an overview of security and the rule of law.

There is no legal, developed, European and civil state without the rule of law.  There is no fight for law and justice if it remains only verbal.

Therefore, political stability is our greatest capital and a guarantee that the full functionality of all branches of government will be realized in Montenegro, and primarily a strong and independent judiciary, which this parliamentary majority has provided.

The Government, on the other hand, makes decisions that will provide full support to the judicial system and the prosecution service, but also provide better working conditions for employees.  One of such decisions is the decision on the selection of a location for the construction of the Judiciary Quarter in Podgorica, where facilities for the most important judiciary institutions will be built according to the highest standards.

Equally, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Police Administration have shown for the past hundred days that they will be an extended arm of the prosecution in the fight against organized crime and corruption - unconditionally and devotedly protecting the legal order and the safety of our citizens.

Dear members of the Government,

Aware that some areas require more time and effort, I expect that we all work even better and more in the service of the state of Montenegro and its interests.

There are many challenges ahead.  From ecology, better education, better healthcare services, social protection, treatment of state-owned property, more balanced regional development and so on... Therefore, I invite you to remain consistent in fulfilling our goals.

Dear citizens,

In spite of numerous aggravating circumstances that are the product of years of inaction, this Government managed to initiate numerous processes in a short time: European integration, economy, infrastructure...

I am confident that when you look at it from the perspective of some of your problems, you also have objections.  Some objections to the speed, some objections to the matter in question.  But what I promise you is that the 44th Government will not let you down.

Everything that was promised will be fulfilled - but so that it is systemic, responsible and in the service of a better future for all of us and the generations to come.

I know that we would have collected laurels if we were guided by the "take it easy, we’ll manage" approach, but this country is nobody’s dowry.  It is over with that approach and with that kind of politics.

In the belief that we have awakened hope and restored at least a fraction of confidence in the institutions of the system,

 Thank you for your attention!

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