Deputy Prime Minister Bečić attends Easter reception in the crypt of Topolica Cathedral

Deputy Prime Minister Aleksa Bečić was a guest at the Easter reception held in the crypt of Topolica Cathedral, upon the invitation of Archbishop of Bar, Monsignor Rrok Gjonlleshaj.

The spirit of Easter, a holiday celebrating the triumph of life over death, gives us strength and encouragement to build coexistence on Earth based on solidarity, compassion, and readiness to sacrifice for all our loved ones, as the sincerest expression of love.

The presence of representatives of all faiths tonight is a clear indication that modern Montenegro truly values multireligious and multinational harmony, and that all its citizens are aware that we cannot exist without each other. Unity makes Montenegro magnificent.

Only through mutual respect and the preservation of peace can we overcome the challenges we all face equally, demonstrating faith in the ultimate victory of good, were the messages of Deputy Prime Minister Aleksa Bečić.

Also present at the reception were Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Littoral Joanikije, Muidin Milaimi, the Chief Imam of the Islamic Community in Bar, and Nina Ofner Bokan, President of the Jewish Community of Montenegro.

Aleksa Bečić - konkatedrala Svetog Petra Apostola u Topolici
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