DPM Aleksa Bečić meets with Ambassador of Norway Kristin Melsom

Deputy Prime Minister Aleksa Bečić met with Ambassador of Norway Kristin Melsom.

We firmly stand on the European and Euro-Atlantic path, and besides the fact that the direction of our foreign policy is outlined in the coalition agreement, the best confirmation of our commitment is seen in the actions of the 44th Government and the new authorities, which represent a crucial turning point in the ultimate progress and significant advancement on the European path, said the Deputy Prime Minister in his conversation with the Ambassador. He emphasised the selfless efforts invested by this government to seize the historic opportunity and make Montenegro the 28th member of the EU.

We addressed the most important issues right away, at the very beginning. We restored political stability, which generates social stability. I firmly believe that we will continue the positive trend, and on 27 January, Montenegro will have a new Supreme State Prosecutor. Functional institutions with undisputed legitimacy are the foundation of trust, credibility, employee motivation, and the implementation of reforms. In this regard, I hope that the unanimous decision of MPs and both government and opposition leaders to reject the police director's report will finally be respected. Based on that decision, the proposal for the director's dismissal was submitted by the Minister of the Interior because reform processes in the decisive fight against organised crime require speed, efficiency, trust, indisputable legitimacy, uncompromising commitment, and motivation from all parts of the system. We want to accelerate the reform processes further. Unity, determination, and persistence in the fight against crime and corruption have no alternative. That is the firm commitment of this government. I must emphasise that the atmosphere in the government is excellent, characterized by teamwork and collegiality; hence, the results are visible. We continue in a partnership, collegial, and determined manner, Bečić emphasised.

Offering full support for the stabilization of political conditions and the situation in our country, Ambassador Melsom stated, "Although Norway is not an EU member, we will do everything to help you become the next member. We will support your ambitions because we are allies, and we are all on the same task. We firmly stand on the foundations of preserving Europe, strengthening security, enhancing prosperity, peace, and stability".

Aleksa Bečić - Kristin Melsom, ambasadorka Kraljevine Norveške
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