DPM Ivanović: Activities and meetings at the General Debate of the UN General Assembly

Table of Contents:
Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović meets with Alexander Kasanof, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Western BalkansDeputy Prime Minister Ivanović’s address to the UN Security Council on “Leadership for Peace”High-level meeting of Western Balkan leaders with Josep Borrell

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović meets with Alexander Kasanof, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Balkans

On the sidelines of the 79th session of the General Debate of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Filip Ivanović met with Alexander Kasanof, US Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Western Balkans.

Filip Ivanović - Aleksandar Kasanof

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović congratulated Kasanof on his new role and expressed satisfaction with the opportunity to discuss specific modalities for further strengthening bilateral relations by the end of this year. He emphasised that Montenegro places special attention on developing relations with the United States, both bilaterally and through formats that strengthen the alliance and partnership between the two countries. In this regard, Ivanović reiterated Montenegro’s readiness to work even more intensively in the coming period to attract US investments, strengthen political dialogue, and sign relevant bilateral agreements.

Kasanof emphasised that the US highly values its relationship with Montenegro and considers it an important partner in the Western Balkans region. The US is firmly committed to strengthening allied and partnership relations with Montenegro, both bilaterally and through other forms of cooperation, including multilateral organisations.

Kasanof also stressed that the US fully supports the European Union’s enlargement process, viewing Montenegro as the most advanced candidate for EU membership. He added that Montenegro’s eventual EU membership would further strengthen and energize the relationship between the US and Montenegro.

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović’s address to the UN Security Council on “Leadership for Peace”

On 25 September 2024, Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Filip Ivanović participated in the United Nations Security Council open debate. The theme of the debate was "Leadership for peace: united in respect of the UN Charter, in search of a secure future." The meeting was organised by Slovenia, which held the Security Council presidency for September 2024.

In his address, Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović reflected on the current global situation, noting the increase in conflicts, which directly impacts the current international order and multilateralism. Montenegro firmly believes that a rules-based United Nations system is a prerequisite for long-term peace and development. In this context, he called on all member states to work on strengthening respect for the UN Charter and multilateralism, as only through these means can a fairer, more democratic, and sustainable world order be ensured.

Ivanović also urged all permanent members of the Security Council to refrain from using vetoes on proposals that could help prevent or stop conflicts. He concluded his address by stating that the way forward is based on mutual respect, trust, and consensus.

Izlaganje potpredsjednika Vlade Filipa Ivanovića u Savjetu bezbjednosti na temu „Leadership for peace“

High-level meeting of Western Balkan leaders with Josep Borrell

On 25 September 2024, Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Filip Ivanović attended a working lunch hosted by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell.

The meeting discussed the negotiation processes of candidate and potential candidate countries for full EU membership, with particular emphasis on the progress Montenegro has made this year. Borrell stated that the European Union is preparing for further enlargement and that the European Commission is keen for it to happen.

Filip Ivanović - sastanak na visokom nivou lidera Zapadnog Balkana sa Žozepom Boreljom

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović updated the officials on Montenegro’s current status in the European integration process and thanked Borrell for his support to Montenegro. He highlighted that Montenegro’s success in the negotiation process under the European Commission’s new methodology serves as a good example not only for Western Balkan countries but also for the European Commission itself, as it demonstrates that the new methodology is a reliable path towards EU enlargement.

In addition to Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović, the meeting was attended by leaders of Western Balkan countries, as well as EU Special Representative for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Miroslav Lajčák.

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