DPM Ivanović meets with Honorary Consul of Montenegro in Israel Nimrod Rinot

Deputy Prime Minister for Foreign and European Affairs Filip Ivanović met today with Nimrod Rinot, the Honorary Consul of Montenegro in Israel.

During the meeting, they exchanged views on the ongoing developments in the Middle East. Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović expressed concern over the persistent escalation of tensions in the region and the real risk of the conflict spreading. He emphasised that Montenegro will continue to call on all parties and stakeholders to pursue a ceasefire and commit to finding a political and diplomatic solution, as the only sustainable and lasting resolution to the crisis in the Middle East.

Both sides agreed that Montenegro and Israel are developing their relations on strong and stable foundations, and highlighted the successful cooperation in the areas of economy, investments, and tourism. They welcomed the growing interest of Israeli companies in investing in Montenegro and their increasing presence in the country.

It was noted that the current year has been a record one in terms of the number of Israeli tourists visiting Montenegro. Mr. Rinot informed Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović about the introduction of direct flights between Tel Aviv and Podgorica outside the summer tourist season, opening up significant opportunities for Montenegro's winter tourism.

Deputy Prime Minister Ivanović also emphasised that Montenegro places great importance on the work and contributions of the Jewish community in Montenegro, which undoubtedly plays a significant role in the country's multicultural society.

Filip Ivanović - Nimrod Rinot, počasni konzul Crne Gore u Izraelu
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