Internet safety workshop for fifth graders

Published on: Jun 5, 2024 10:38 AM Author: CIRT

Representatives from CIRT organized a workshop on internet safety for fifth-grade students at Pavle Rovinski Elementary School. The workshop aimed to equip students with the information and skills needed to identify potential online dangers and protect themselves effectively.

The workshop covered various important topics essential for understanding and implementing cybersecurity principles. Through interactive activities, discussions, and practical examples, students had the opportunity to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet. They also learned how to recognize secure websites, protect their data, and properly use social networks and video games.

Special attention is given to the rules of good behavior on the Internet. This includes respecting other users, avoiding offensive comments and cyberbullying, and using complex passwords to protect against unauthorized access and safeguard the privacy of online accounts.

Additionally, students were provided with printed materials to serve as a reminder for safe Internet use.

Radionica OŠ "Pavle Rovinski"

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