Regulatory steps taken in games of chance sector

The fourth session of the Coordinating Body for the protection and advancement of public interest in the area of games of chance was held today, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister for Political System, Judiciary, and Anti-Corruption Momo Koprivica. Several important conclusions were reached during the meeting.

The Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services issued a decision requiring operators in Montenegro to block access to websites listed by the Games of Chance Administration within three days of receiving the decision. According to the data, ORION INTERNET allows access to 186 websites, MTEL INTERNET to 39, and T-COM INTERNET to 29 websites.

These figures are indicative and highlight the need for regulatory measures. Consequently, an Operational Team was formed within the Coordinating Body to create recommendations, initiatives, and corrective measures aimed at preventing addiction to games of chance, with a special focus on school-aged children and youth.

To improve the legal framework in the field of games of chance, work has begun on drafting a new Law on Games of Chance. This law aims to incorporate trends and best practices while considering societal needs, ultimately improving the overall system of internet betting.

Based on the conclusions and guidelines of the Coordinating Body, decisive measures have been taken to combat abuses in the games of chance sector, such as revoking concessions in Budva and banning terminals in Bijelo Polje.

A new set of measures will be adopted in the implementation period according to the established plan, with the aim of eliminating all forms of illegal activities in this area.

The Coordinating Body will also continue to prepare a set of technological and legal measures to prevent minors from participating in games of chance.

IV sjednica Koordinacionog tijela za zaštitu i unapređenje javnog interesa u oblasti priređivanja igara na sreću
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