Spajić: Milović proposed his own dismissal after I thanked him for his cooperation

Published on: Jun 10, 2024 5:00 PM Author: Milojko Spajić, Prime Minister of Montenegro

After seeing today’s address by Minister Milović, when my duties allowed, I must admit I am fully confident in the correctness of my decision to propose his dismissal to the Parliament.

To be precise, I informed him of this decision prior to his public statement, making his press conference merely a performance for the public.

For the sake of clarity, it was Milović’s previous public appearances, to which I had repeatedly and explicitly drawn his attention, and at times felt ashamed of, that led to the proposal for his dismissal. This proposal could not be submitted earlier due to our focus on fulfilling the European agenda.

In the past months, I did everything possible to ensure the Minister of Justice, for his own sake but primarily for the reputation of the 44th Government, improved his ministerial conduct in line with the trust I placed in him and the expectations I had. However, Andrej Milović made his own choice.

In doing so, he has aligned himself with the President of Montenegro in an attempt to destabilize the integrity of the Government and undermine Montenegro's European path.

It is no coincidence that at a time when both the Government and Parliament have demonstrated progress in chapters 23 and 24 and met the necessary conditions for receiving IBAR, we face a coordinated obstruction from Minister Milović and President Milatović.

There is a saying that snow does not fall to cover the hill, but for every beast to leave its trail. Such things happen before significant events, but at least the truth of the coordinated campaign to disrupt Montenegro’s EU path and the receiving of IBAR has finally been revealed.

I feel it is particularly important to emphasize that from the start of the Government’s mandate, I have maintained the stance that no ministerial position is immutable or permanent, and that after yellow and red cards, there will be corrections in the Government’s composition.

Regardless of these circumstances, the Government must continue to work at full speed, strengthening its position in the eyes of international partners and ensuring the improvement of the living standards for all citizens.

Therefore, I will submit the proposal for the dismissal of the Minister of Justice to the Parliament as soon as possible, in accordance with my authority, so that the Government can continue to dedicatedly and responsibly pursue its goals.

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