The USA supports Montenegro's reforms speeding up its European path

Published on: Feb 1, 2024 10:15 AM Author: Public Relations Service of the Government of Montenegro

During a meeting in Washington, Minister of Foreign Affairs Filip Ivanović, engaged in discussions with US Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Bureau of European and Eurasian Affairs and Special Representative to the Western Balkans Gabriel Escobar, underscoring the United States' support for Montenegro's European path and its endeavors to attain full membership in the European Union at the earliest opportunity.

Escobar expressed the US commitment to Montenegro's progress towards EU membership, stating, "We hope to soon be your partner in the European Union," underlining the strong friendship between the two nations. He commended Montenegro's dedication to active and credible NATO membership, good neighbourly relations, and enhancing security in the Western Balkans, alongside full alignment with the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy.

MVP Ivanović u Vašingotnu

Minister Ivanović assured that Montenegro will continue to be a partner to the USA and updated Escobar on the achievements of the 44th Government, particularly in reactivating EU negotiation processes and reforms in key chapters 23 and 24. "In a short time, we have proven to be a Government that delivers results. Montenegro is making progress, resolving issues that have burdened the functioning of judicial organs in previous years, appointing a new Chief Negotiator, and decisively continuing the implementation of EU agenda obligations", highlighted the Minister. He also briefed Escobar on Montenegro's candidacy for a non-permanent member of the Security Council for the 2026-2027 term, a prospect welcomed by US Assistant Deputy Secretary Escobar.

Discussions during the meeting touched on the current political situation in the region, emphasising the increased interest of the US administration in the stability and further development of the Western Balkans. They also discussed the Russian aggression against Ukraine and its impact on EU enlargement policy and the security of the European continent.

In a separate meeting, Minister Ivanović met with Congressman Doug Lamborn, discussing the importance of lasting stability in the region and Montenegro's constructive role in fostering good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation.

On the third day of his working visit to Washington, the Minister visited the Heritage Foundation, where discussions revolved around political, economic, and security issues in the Western Balkans, as well as current global challenges. Opportunities for strengthening contacts and collaboration between Montenegro and the USA, particularly in security, energy, tourism, and education, were also explored.

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