- Government of Montenegro
CIRT WARNING - Phishing campaigns targeting bank users
WARNING - Phishing campaigns targeting bank users
CIRT warns the public about an active phishing campaign targeting CKB Bank users. The campaign involves an email that appears to contain official information from the bank, asking users to "verify their account." The message includes a link that leads to a fraudulent CKB Bank webpage, where users are prompted to enter personal information, including identification and contact details, in order to "reactivate" their accounts.
To protect yourself from scams, please follow these guidelines:
• Never respond to suspicious messages,
• Pay attention to the URL, as phishing sites often use variations of official domain names,
• Do not open links from suspicious messages,
• Check the sender's address carefully,
• Take the time to carefully read the contents of messages, as phishing messages often contain grammatical errors
Please note that a reputable institution will not request users to disclose confidential information or submit documents via SMS, email, or social networks.
If your data is misused, you can report the incident via e-mail: kontakt@cirt.me or by filling out a form on the CIRT website: https://www.gov.me/cirt/prijavi-incident