Prime Minister Spajić with representatives of numerous business associations and trade unions

Published on: Nov 27, 2023 2:30 PM Author: The Cabinet of Prime Minister

Work on improving the business environment, in order to more effectively implement current and create new economic policies, is extremely important for the sustainable development of Montenegro. In that process, special care will be taken to protect the rights of employees, in order to find a compromise that will satisfy everyone.

On this occasion, Prime Minister Milojko Spajić met with representatives of numerous business associations, in order to jointly work on overcoming business barriers.

Communication with the businesses is of utmost importance, in order to create the right conditions for the development of that very important segment. We must offer investors a good business environment in order to attract more investments. We must also facilitate the development of businesses through legal solutions. We want to do great things taking well planned steps, emphasized the Prime Minister.

During the meeting, representatives of the Chamber of Economy emphasized that joint work is very important in order for the businesses to access the EU single market in the right way. In this regard, it is necessary to implement the started activities quickly, but also to respect environmental standards and to encourage further development on the path to a green economy through new investments.

The Employers' Union has high expectations from the 44th Government, primarily in solving the problems faced by employers.

That is why it is important to solve things systematically and through legal solutions, to create conditions that will suit everyone. Education reform and the creation of qualified staff for areas where there is a shortage of labor will be in focus.

At the meeting with the Union of Free Trade Unions, the need to step up the dialogue between the Government and the trade unions was emphasized. It was assessed that greater protection of the rights of employees is needed and in the interest of employers as well.

Representatives of the Union handed over a Platform with six resolutions, which contains analysis and proposals for improving the position of employees in different areas.

Joint work in the field of labor rights was highlighted as a basis for success at the meeting with the Confederation of Trade Unions.

Rectifying illogical solutions when it comes to salaries in the public sector and amending certain collective agreements will help to make more parties satisfied.

It was also noted that there is political stability and institutional functionality in Montenegro to make long-term strategic decisions that will mean greater freedom of trade union activity and that will encourage social dialogue and collective bargaining mechanisms.

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