Prime Minister visiting the Municipality of Bar: The Daycare Center must be built within the deadline - to demonstrate a parental attitude towards all children

Published on: Nov 29, 2023 4:00 PM Author: The Cabinet of Prime Minister

Prime Minister Milojko Spajić visited the Municipality of Bar, where he laid the foundation stone for the construction of the Daycare Center for children with developmental disabilities with the President of the Municipality, Dušan Raičević, and the Director of the Administration for Capital Projects, Esmin Bećović.

The project must be completed on time. I expect that we will open the doors of the Daycare Center next year for the Municipality Day of Bar. We must demonstrate the Government's parental attitude towards all children in Montenegro, said the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister also used his visit to the municipality of Bar to meet with the local leadership.

The President of the Municipality of Bar, Dušan Raičević, informed the Prime Minister about the state of affairs in the municipality, with an emphasis on the budget, which, as he said, is mostly development-oriented and focused on the implementation of capital projects. In this context, Raičević said that he expected constructive and more active cooperation with the Government and relevant Ministries. He informed the Prime Minister about the activities on the construction of the Daycare Center for children with developmental disabilities, as well as other traffic infrastructure projects, and the Olympic swimming pool construction project.

Milojko Spajić - Polaganje kamena temeljca za izgradnju Dnevnog centra za djecu sa smetnjama u razvoju u Baru

Prime Minister Spajić pointed out the importance of building the Daycare Center for children and said that there must be no delay in the implementation of the project. He pointed out that the Government would make maximum efforts to support the development of infrastructure and, in this context, announced that he expected a positive signal from the European Union in the form of a grant support for the reconstruction of the railway line from Bar to Zeta.

The Prime Minister also informed the local leadership of the intentions to build the remaining sections of the highway and assessed that the implementation of that project would open up a development perspective and further valorize the potential of the Port of Bar.

I will personally advocate for the construction of the section from Podgorica to Bar to begin as soon as possible, Spajić said.

The Director of the Administration for Capital Projects, Esmin Bećović, also attended the meeting.

Milojko Spajić - kamen temeljac za izgradnju Dnevnog centra za djecu sa smetnjama u razvoju u Baru (29.11.2023.)


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