Spajić: The conditions of the opposition have been met, the census can begin, we all matter

Published on: Nov 28, 2023 4:15 PM Author: The Cabinet of Prime Minister

All conditions from the Agreement signed with the representatives of the opposition parties and Councils of less numerous national communities have been met, so the process can start on 30 November and everyone can take part in it.

To put it precisely, as stated in the Agreement:

Census commissions were expanded even more than what was requested.

The Public Call for instructors and enumerators was repeated, the expanded commissions selected the enumerators according to parity principle.

The issue of verifying data entry by means of a software is regulated by legislation, in accordance with the Agreement.

The Law also defines the formation of the Commission for monitoring the design of data verification software and its duties.

A parliamentary committee was formed, whose competence is to monitor the implementation of the Agreement.

Data entry control was established and an agreement was observed that no pre-census identity campaigns would be conducted by political parties from the moment the Agreement was signed, so as not to affect the results of the census.

Therefore, the implementation conditions and control mechanisms are at a much higher level than in 2003 or 2011.

In this manner, we also appeal to all rigid individuals not to put pressure on the opposition, because this is a chance to show that we are all united as a society and focused on the European path of Montenegro, and that we have left social polarization far behind us. The best indicator that we are all winners in this process is the unanimous adoption of the Law on Census.

In this manner, the Government has demonstrated that this kind of model of inclusive and constructive cooperation with opposition parties and other social stakeholders is possible, which is very important for the future and solving much bigger challenges that await us.

We thank all social stakeholders that made it possible for all conditions to be fulfilled.

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