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Budimir Aleksić - Nina Ofner Bokan
Government of Montenegro DPM Budimir Aleksić meets with delegation of the Jewish Community of Montenegro

It was noted that the construction of Montenegro’s first and only Jewish Cultural Center and Synagogue is a project of public significance for the country.

Potpredsjednik Aleksić primio građanske aktiviste Aleksandra Sašu Zekovića i Vojina Grubača
Government of Montenegro DPM Aleksić meets with civil activists Aleksandar Saša Zeković and Vojin Grubač

The discussion focused on a humanistic approach to recognizing innocent civilian victims from and after World War II...

Potpredsjednik Vlade dr Budimir Aleksić primio delegaciju SNSCG
Government of Montenegro DPM Budimir Aleksić meets with delegation from the Serbian National Council of Montenegro

Deputy Prime Minister Budimir Aleksić met today with representatives of the Serbian National Council of Montenegro...

Potpredsjednik Aleksić primio predstavnike Jevrejske zajednice Crne Gore
Government of Montenegro DPM Aleksić meets with representatives of the Jewish Community of Montenegro

Deputy Prime Minister for Science, Education, and Relations with Religious Communities Budimir Aleksić met with a delegation from the Jewish Community...

Budimir Aleksić - Lu Fangćing
Government of Montenegro DPM Aleksić meets with Charge d'Affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Montenegro

Both parties agreed on the potential for further improving relations and advancing various projects...

Budimir Aleksić - Johan Satler
Government of Montenegro Deputy Prime Minister Aleksić meets with EU Ambassador Johann Sattler

Ambassador Sattler expressed satisfaction with the cooperation and praised the government’s dedication to implementing European standards and values.

Održan sastanak potpredsjednika Vlade dr Budimira Aleksića sa britanskom ambasadorkom Don Meken
Government of Montenegro DPM Aleksić meets with British Ambassador Dawn McKen

Deputy Prime Minister for Education, Science and Relations with Religious Communities Budimir Aleksić met with the British Ambassador to Montenegro Dawn McKen

Aleksić u službenoj posjeti Beogradu, susret sa ministrom Selakovićem
Government of Montenegro DPM Aleksić pays an official visit to Belgrade

Deputy Prime Minister for Education, Science, and Religious Affairs Budimir Aleksić is paying an official visit to the Republic of Serbia...

42. sjednica Vlade Crne Gore
Government of Montenegro Parliament approves Cabinet reshuffle

On 23 July 2024, the Parliament of Montenegro voted to reshuffle the 44th Government of Montenegro, headed by Milojko Spajić.
